christmas eve (and turkey night)


its a lovely (grey) christmas eve so i'm sitting here in my chair bubbling away cos i'm up for a great party later :D

i'm sorry guys couldn't make it on thurs :0( i'm sure you guys had a real fantastic time though. i almost laughed when i saw the sms kim (or nic, can't tell) sent me: "we're gonna watch the midnight sun on thursday morning." HAHA!

ok. sorry. not funny.

on thurs i was shopping from 2pm down to a foot-blistering-stomach-emptying 8.30pm. but i had fun! bought lotsa things cos my aunt is really nice. :0) thanks aunt. then had a late dinner and reached home near 10. all the people on the bus were staring cos my sis and i, two pipsqueaks of gurls, were lugging huge shopping bags of shoes and clothes and bags home at a time we were supposed to be tucked at home with our daddies and mummies.

ok shopping was a form of exercise i guess. but still gotta get more cos i've got this bbq streak coming up: 4 nights of bbq in a row! and another later one on new year's eve. i wont fit through the school gates if i don't get my big fat tush up and running.

hope you all have a great christmas! i learnt my lesson NOT to send hugg-and-kiss-and-loveya smses at 12 midnight - i would advise anyone against that. chances are the electric air around here will be fuller with smses than my stomach with christmas goodies. and, trust me, that's saying something.

twirled into your arms at
Sunday, December 24, 2006

big fish, little fish, diet pills

its the time of the year again! the time of silver bells, snowmen and santa. of roast beef, apple pies, lamb joints, ice-cream log cakes.

followed by, of course, the inevitable tipping of scales, whining, endeavours with mirrors, appointments with slimming pills, more whining, and finally the hurling of abuse at your equally frustrated counterpart glaring at you from the mirror.

yes. its the busiest time of the year.

there are many ways to keep one busy. dieting pills, shunning carbs, hitting the gym, slimming centres, jogging, swimming.. the completely endless, bottomless hot pursuit of a posh-spice-and-the-like hot bod. in the end more is spent on such things than all your presents' worth, and some still cant look at victoria beckham in the mirror.


as sumiko tan once said, many men would happily trade 5 posh spices for a jennifer lopez, anytime. theres nothing nice about being stick-thin, unless you want to fly. its no big secret that photoshop pounces on any model that needs a little touchup around the tummy, yet we still fiercely swear through cellulite-tainted glasses that we should all gloriously deflate ourselves in the name of "fashion" even if hell freezes over.

in this narrow-mindedness that is contagious, no-one really cares if guys prefer something to hugg.

whats with this competition? its really cliche that inner beauty counts, but its just the plain simple truth that nobody pays attention to. the sin of desparately trying to eradicate all adipose tissue in our body has touched almost everyone, almost anywhere.

lets just stop and think. how many big people have you met? many. surely there are who command your respect, whom you admire, who are your role models, who love you, whom you love.

the logic here is simple: it doesnt matter. why should it? how would we know if we were missing something special, a special friendship or such, if we keep our minds so narrow? we could miss a special friend, a significant someone, due to such utter foolishness that we ourselves created for the sake of something that in the end we cannot even name.

silly, silly, silly. yet, somehow, we press on. we insist that thin is better. we revere matchsticks on the runway. we try to look like skin-and-bones. we fail to realise when most spokesmen were already trim before those pills, and that if the pills should truly be effective, the spokesmen would now barely be visible to the human eye.

open your eyes. (no, not to catch a better glimpse of the spokesperson.) we would all miss so much if we depended on our cellulite-tainted glasses to pass verdicts for us. for one, we would miss the freedom of eating in peace. we could pass the festive season happily. obviously, to a point when reason should take over to tell us when we should exercise or refuse that slice of cake. then we could all happily hit the gym together, or go for that jog that always appears on our schedules but never in our lives.

and, most importantly, make our counterparts in the mirror oh-so-happy.

i feel that the truly ugly people are, ironically, those who judge by appearance. they belittle those who could jolly well outshine them in many ways other than a perfect nose. these may be the very people that could make a difference to their lives.

eventually, they will be unhappy thinking that they are surrounded by imperfections and thus, have no friends. they will be lonely, no matter what their mirrors boast. they would possibly miss out on other beautiful things that their shallow eyes cannot seek out.

the outsides of some are eye candy. the insides of the others could bring a sweet start to a new friendship. its just a bonus to be beautiful on the outside as well as in. it should not be something we count on to attract others, since, as we all know, true colours will surface after a while.

its alright to want to look good, and try to look good within reason. but we must know looking good is not everything - feeling good is more important. think about the big people you thought of earlier. what draws you to them? what of them deserves your admiration? aim for that special something that you found hidden. it could be that very thing people would love to see in you to respect you. :0)

oh the lovely log cakes and chocolates! i shall start on santa's letter soon. i shall put it on the dining table so that my mum can see it. i mean santa.

merry christmas to all :D

twirled into your arms at
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

dance with me;

the designer is lonelyME. picture is created from scraps from eurominionius and moumine.
Brushes used are from toastsnatcher,aethereality,ignite and moargh


yvonne aka bong :0)

17 going on 18
26th march
scgs; sajc; hwachong
4se; OG2(<3); A05; 07a11
dancer/ cheerleader
hiphop/ salsa fanatic

hearts <33

chocolates - HERSHEYS
my fam and frens
more chocolates
singing (strictly to the showerhead)
writing poetry
animals (teeth not included)
chocolates chocolates chocolates
pink :0)
my bed. especially at school
my toothbrush (its pink)
did i mention chocolates?


insects! except butterflies
backstabbers and hypocrites :P
bad hair days
thunder and lightning
weighing scales


to get into hwa chong
to get into hc's MAD hiphop
for everyone in my life to be happy :0)
a new mp3 (on the way!!!)
an organ - electone 90 or 200
erm. world peace. i'm serious.


buddehs :0)

okiku nict
hubbs nicC
yie yie
debbie baby
verine COGMATE
US - the weirdos!!!


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
August 2008

music (check THIS out)

when all you gotta keep is strong
move along, move along
like i know you do
and even when your hope is gone
move along, move along
just to make it through
move along

when everything is wrong
we move along..

move along - the all american rejects'